Covid-19 Outbreak
As per now (CW11, 2020) we're not planning to cancel the Classic events that we have sold tickets to. If we have to take actions due to further spread of COVID-19 and/or regulations affecting the events on the scheduled dates, we will postpone the event to a later date, this year or next year. Your tickets will be valid for the new dates.

If you want to cancel your participation due to being worried we refer to our Fjällräven Classic group on Facebook where you can sell and buy tickets.

Tickets to the Fjällräven Classic events in USA, Hong Kong and South Korea will be launched for public sale during the first half of May. Further info and a more detailed schedule will be published during April.

Fjällräven is monitoring the development both globally and in the specific areas where we host events. We will under no condition proceed with our events if we see that they could jeopardize the health or safety of our trekkers, volunteers, or staff in any way. Needless to say, we will comply to any rules or regulations issued by authorities in the areas we operate.

Fjällräven International management in cooperation with our Chinese partner has decided not to proceed with preparations for Fjällräven Classic China 2020. Due to the actual situation and its effects the event is cancelled for 2020 and we will not sell any tickets for this year. The reason is the global uncertainty and the schedule we must follow in order to deliver an event that meets ours, and the participants justified expectations.

Dear Fjällräven Classic Community
We are continuing to monitor developments globally and at our various event locations and the constantly changing situation naturally has consequences for our Fjällräven Classic events. As a general rule, we are not cancelling any event, merely postponing until 2021.

However, the 2020 Fjällräven Classic events that are not postponed, will probably be an altogether different experience than we are used to. Some of you won’t make it to the starting line because of personal reasons. Others might be prevented due to travel restrictions. And although we all hope to meet each other and trek together, our strong responsibility to minimize the spread of Covid-19 might force us to have to wait until 2021.

As of today, we simply don’t know what will happen, but here are some clarifications regarding your ticket:

-If we postpone, your ticket will be valid for 2021 instead.

-If you feel hesitant of your participation, you can re-sell or give your ticket to someone who can use it, and change the name on the ticket.

-If you want to sell the ticket back to us, you will receive a full refund.

We will contact all ticket holders as soon as any decisions are made regarding any events. Until then - if possible - keep trekking. If you are in an area with restrictions and unable to go outdoors, take some time to care for your equipment and practice what you can at home.