Packing List
Here is our full Classic Korea packing list. You'll notice there are a few asterisks (*) alongside some of the items. This is because these things are mandatory.
We have a list of mandatory items because, for safety reasons, it's vital you have your own gear. But, mandatory equipment may be shared with your fellow trekkers if you're trekking in a group.

45-65lr backpack with rain protection cover*
Sleeping bag*, preferably three-season sleeping bag
Stove* with a deep pan - good for boiling water for the freeze dried meals
Fuel* (included in the ticket fee, don't forget to bring a bottle if you use petrol or methylated spirit)
Sleeping mattress*
Map*(included in the ticket fee)
Magnetic compass*
Fjällräven Classic Trash Bag* (included in the ticket fee)
Thermal fleece/mid layer top* in down, wool or a synthetic material
Long underpants for a dry change*
Wind and waterproof pants
Wind and waterproof jacket with hood*
First aid kit* (at least elastic bandage, blister pads, compresses and tape). It is recommended to complement the mandatory first aid kit with safety pins, butterfly stitches (skin closures), fluid replacement and pain reliever.
Sun hat/cap
Hiking socks, preferably in wool
Underwear in wool or in a synthetic material
A change of shoes or flip flops/sandals to give your feet a break
Hiking trousers, a pair that can be unzipped to become shorts are ideal - it does get warm up there sometimes
Hiking boots
Hiking poles
Matches and/or lighter
Dish cloth
Small towel
Water bottle, minimum 1.0L
Small knife with scissors or a multi-tool
Toilet paper (not "wet wipes")
Head torch